Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 25

     Today, we decided to go to town at tourists. Anita and I first went to a spy museum, which was small but quite interesting with different spy gadgets and short biographies about different spies. Then after that, we met with Sandra at the central square (Sandra didn't come with us because she said it was boring) and then went out to eat at a chinese place. After that Sandra left us, as she had some class reunion thing, and then we went back to the central square where there were singers and later a circus act (it was Flower week in Tampere; a festival). Soon after, we went to the tourist information desk and asked what is exciting in Tampere. The lady told us a few things and then we left. We first went to this handcraft exhibition, which was nice. Then we went to the souvenir shop (I asked if there was any place that I could buy souvenirs), but I was more like handcraft souvenirs, so it was pretty expensive. After that, we walked around a few stores and then went to the library. The library was designed by an archeitect to look like a bird from airplane view. Anyways, I got some books to read and then we walked home. While we were walking on a path through the woods, there were many raspberry bushes, so we often stopped to pick them (although they were small, they were still good). As you know, my family lives at the bottom of a big hill, so Anita decided that we walk to the top of the hill and get home by what are known as the Pispala stairs. From the top of the stairs it is a very beautiful view of the houses, trees, and lakes. The stairs had about 250 steps (Anita said it was a common question to ask a Pispala native exactly how many steps were there). Soon we got home around 7:30pm, and after that, I  just read, ate, and other stuff.

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